Robin Wurth LMT Advanced Practitioner of
The name gives people trouble however, here's a way to remember Ortho-bionomy. Ortho- means correct, Bio- meaning life, -nomy meaning system of laws, rules, or knowledge about a particular field.
Dr. Arthur Lincoln Pauls, developer and founder, coined the term “Ortho-Bionomy” as the “correct application of the natural laws of life.”
Ortho-Bionomy is a bodywork modality that uses gentle movements and comfortable positions to unlock tension and relieve pain. This is a gentle hands-on approach that initiates postural balance and integration allowing the body to be relieved of pain, enabling the body to speed up the recovery from injury or stress as the self-corrective reflexes are stimulated to move from tension into ease.
Each session is tailored to the specific needs of the individual.
WHAT MLD IS: The activating force in Manual Lymphatic Drainage is the gentle stretching of the skin or underlying tissue in accord with lymphatic rhythm and direction.
The whole body protocol addresses the front and back and alleviates pain and swelling deep in the body and at a superficial level. It is gentle for those with fibromyalgia.
MLD has wonderful effects for those who are facing surgerical procedures whether elective or necessary to reduce the lymphatic load on the body before surgery and then POST surgery to reduce bruising, swelling and promote healthy and minimal scar formation.
The technique is so gentle and fast acting that it is ideal for children and helps with the growing process, learning disabilities, ear infections, and for teens it is used for stress management, acne, and hormone balancing.
*Logo used by permission of Society of Ortho-Bionomy International®