Robin Wurth LMT, MA 53963 Advanced Practitioner
Ortho-Bionomy® Advanced Practitioner certification of 450 hours with Society of Ortho-Bionomy International, 2020
Massage Training at Lake Technical in Eustis, Florida Licensed 2008
Manual Lymphatic Drainage with MLD Institute of Florida, 2009
The gentleness this technique provides gives the client the opportunity to ease into their body in a way that they may have forgotten. In this day and age pain seems to be our way of life and we overlook oftentimes how the small pains create bigger problems. What if all that had to be done at the onset of an acute phase of pain was so simple and comfortable that you had ease again and went about your life in a better frame of body and mind?
I loved the Ortho-Bionomy® the hour that it took to get my body out of chronic pain and allow me an incredible unwinding of all the over-wound parts of my body which had been trying to compensate for my imbalance. The world became a better place. I seek to help others who cannot find relief from pains their body manifest in the traditional methods.
I have always loved nature and the beauty that exists with each and every day. Though not a natural green thumb my drive is to at least work a garden so that I can plant something and benefit from it. I got my BA in Elementary Education in 1980 and creatively used that education for over 16 years. I love to sew, cook, sprout, and often experiment with creating a recipe for stress relief. To maintain health my preference is to walk, cellercize, swim, or isometric/isotonic exercises.
*Logo used by permission of Society of Ortho-Bionomy International® .